PGCME – 2015

Comments & Verbatim

  • 1) Please make technical discussion classes also clinically oriented. 2) Case discussion more interactive; felt like Rusting. 3) Please put all topics in our not only 3 of the topics there; rest only names, when we tried to down load no ppt was there.
  • 15-30 minutes lunch break is enough. Try to finish the session before 5Pm
  • A 5 min break between 2 consequents sessions will be helpful. Apart from that this year CME was excellent in most aspects and fulfilled its purpose. Excellent effort. Quiz was very good idea.
  • All Presentations were very good. Just I have a complaint, not complaint rather a request regarding chair which would be better if it is with attached writing desk.
  • Am sitting in middle row, difficult to see the main slide projection.
  • Animation videos for explanation of concepts of molecular biology, case study to explain concepts
  • Approach to haematology an eye opener for investigations and can provide accommodations.
  • Avoiding giving routinely tag. You can give, belt, other materials useful.
  • Bleeding disorders. Speaker Excellent. But due to time limit, too speeds not get time to write of even see slides it is not in the presentation also. Suggest better time also. Please help us.
  • Can be split into 2 sessions. Too much information for an hour.
  • Can you please increase the font size in the slides
  • Case discussions and haemocytomorphometry were best lectures and clear out concepts very nicely.
  • Diagnosis of Leukemia - The talk was too fast
  • Divide tour of lab into 3-days & left to 45 minutes per day that'll be good
  • During tour of labs it was difficult during low stations to below the explanation being given and it was little crowded & to see the screens as we could not stand closer
  • Enlightening CME
  • Excellent and clear n useful presentations. Thank u for organizing this type of presentations.
  • Excellent case discussion, We would like to see few Peripheral smear / cases together with the CME
  • Excellent perfect time management
  • Excellent training program. I would recommend this course to all my juniors. Dr. Vikram& his faculty are inspiring &committed. God bless their endeavours