PGCME – 2014
Comments & Verbatim
- Power point presentation, oration lot of areas to can be improved.
- Information about Datri is too good
- Nice experience. Tell clear about DM programs when will be forms out and when will be the entrance exam, fee structures etc.
- Some topics were very good but further elaboration and slow pace was essential for better understanding especially bleeding disorders and coagulation disorders.
- As a pathologist it is very beneficial for me to get clarified of some very basic good concepts clearly. Thanks for the opportunity.
- Excellent CME
- Organized excellently, time management very good. Keep continuing CME yearly.
- Excellent organizers.
- We need more concepts / and Basics for understanding.
- 3 days - 3 elements of blood could be an option. Exhaustive and excellent coverage for
information - Many more discussion should be conducted rather than taking lecturers.
- Shorter sessions with wider range of topics would be better.
- Timing is good, coagulation disorder can be split up into 2.
- Certain topics for example Lab evaluation of bleeding disorders were too fact to follow even though it was very good and informative. I felt that I am missing some points.
- Over all the program was good. A good knowledge feast. Case presentation in hematology from pg's can be organized.
- Motivating & stimulating informative
- If all the sessions are problem one day. Take case discussion - better.
- Very good CME, Very good organizers, Very informative & inspirational. Keep up the sprit.
- Please shorten the session atleast on the first day. Most of us just arrived early morning.
- Excellent educational programme very helpful for all post graduates. Love to do fellowship in CMC vellore.
- Limit the session upto 4 p.m. Include in details about ITP - managemnet like deviation
treatment. Add on It’s a very simple and best way I got to get in touch with anaemia and all topics today. Very informative. - Since huge topics were to be discussed within a very short time I believe it had a bad effect in helping us to grah facts and analyse them bad for which the facts discussed were absolutely awesome.
- Great academic feast. Really worm to attend the CME. Excellent organizer, Sticking on to time is worth mentioning.
- Please have a more detailed MM discussion.
- If mol. Biology could be taught by someone in clinical hematalogist is more useful.
- Good eye opener to haematology really inspiring.
- Today is a day for pathologists I enjoyed a lot and learnt and classified all my basic and updates about laboratory.